World Record Ride

JUNE 14, 2020
July 15, 2020

Watch the documentary on Outside.

About the ride

Keith Morical set a Guinness World Record for the fastest time to visit 48 contiguous US states by bicycle. Starting in Walla Walla, Washington aending in Kittery, Maine. he completed the 7,100 miles (11,400 km) route with over 212,000 ft (64,600 m) of climbing in 31 days, 22 hours and 29 minutes.

Along the way he learned incredible life lessons.

Replay the ride below

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The Ride

Anything is

The purpose of the AWRR is to inspire each of us to set one meaningful goal that is in line with our personal purpose and stretches what we think is possible. Seriously, what is one thing you want to accomplish?

For me that goal was to ride my bike to 48 states in a month, without injury to myself or others.

Use the massive disruption caused by the coronavirus to live more purposefully and make the life you want.

The Goals

Safety is the number one goal. The rider and small crew are using a stay-at-home approach in an RV,
with strict safety protocol for any required stops.

Safety: Do not catch or spread COVID-19. Avoid any major accident.
Inspiration: Having people set one goal that is fulfilling for themselves and improves their world.
Time: Set the record for visiting the 48 states by bike.
One Month - Outstanding
33 to 35 days - My goal
36-42 days - Record time male or female
43-60 days - Record time male

The Rules

Sometimes we have to follow the rules.

One rider must ride the entire route.
Any commercially available bicycle and parts may be used in this attempt.
The same bicycle must be used throughout the entire attempt, unless un-rideable.
The rider must visit each of the 48 contiguous states of the US on a route selected by participant.
A State visit requires that the entire bicycle fully cross the boundary into each state.
The entire journey must be made by bicycle - no other form of transport is permitted at any time.
No drafting of any form.
No spreading the corona virus or any other disease.

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